
AIR DRY CRACK FILLER This air drying flexible repair product is great to fill light scratches, minor scrapes and voids on the surfaces of leather, vinyl, and plastic. It is meant to fill voids 1/16″ and finer.The air dry filler comes in gray, white and black. It dries quickly and sands easily using 320-600 grit sandpaper. Be aware that this filler dries quickly once in contact with the air, especially in small volumes. Due to the moisture in the filler evaporating as it dries, this product also has a tendency to slightly shrink. You should use slightly more than you think…




This air drying flexible repair product is great to fill light scratches, minor scrapes and voids on the surfaces of leather, vinyl, and plastic. It is meant to fill voids 1/16″ and finer.The air dry filler comes in gray, white and black. It dries quickly and sands easily using 320-600 grit sandpaper. Be aware that this filler dries quickly once in contact with the air, especially in small volumes. Due to the moisture in the filler evaporating as it dries, this product also has a tendency to slightly shrink. You should use slightly more than you think you will need, allowing for a tolerance of the slightly shrunken material. We recommend using our spatulas to apply the filler.

We recommend using small amounts of filler at a time for deeper voids that may require extra filler, as to allow for it to dry completely. If it does not dry completely before more filler is added, it will take longer to dry.  However, if used correctly in the right circumstances, our air dry crack filler works very well.

For maximum product life, keep the lid on the jar when not in use and do not scrape any unused filler back in the jar as it tends to dry out the remaining filler.


  • 4 oz. Jar
  • 8 oz. Jar

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 6 in

White, Grey


4 oz., 8 oz.