Due to supply shortages, any purchase of the cloth repair kits will not include welder’s glue until further notice. Thank you.
The 860 Cloth Repair Kit is an all-in-one tool kit for cloth repair. This kit is designed to be both easily accessible and easy to use when working on vehicle interiors.
860 CLOTH REPAIR KIT- Includes:
- Velour Fibers: Large Box: 802, 804, 806, 810, 820, 818, 814, 816, 812, and 824.
- Medium Box: 830, 808,832, and 834,
- Small Box: 836, 838, 840, 842, 844, and 846.
- Needle Set: Small, medium, and large curved needles & Small & Medium Loopuyts Needle. Foam holder for needles with beeswax and marking chalk. Thread: 880 -Black, 881- Gray, 882 – Brown, 883 – Tan.
- Yellow Repair Mesh for backing material
- Razor Blades,
- Container of Repair Foam,
- Container of Fiber Fill,
- Brass Wire Brush, Scissors,
- Curved Stainless Steel Tweezers,
- Pair Plastic Tweezers,
- Paintbrush (tamping tool)
- Spatula / Pallet Knife,
- Small Flat Pick,
- Puffer ball/applicator,
- (3) 2 oz. Plastic Mixing Jars,
- # 695 Leather and Fabric Glue (2 oz. bottle),
- Can of # 853 aerosol Flock Spray Adhesive (International orders receive instead an 8 oz. bottle of # 850 Velour Spray Adhesive)
- Carrying Case with detachable lid.